Nuke 10 seconds after first light
Nuke 10 seconds after first light

Last but not least, your Shikigami can also equip up to two different spells per match. However, Supports are also great for scoring early kills if they manage to pick off a careless enemy with a stun or slow.

nuke 10 seconds after first light

The Support Shikigami frequently go on the bottom lane alongside their carry, supporting them by healing, providing buffs, and harassing the enemy team, so that their allies can farm in peace. A good tank is the first to enter combat and the last to leave the field. Their kits are often rounded out with CC and crowd control effects so that, while they can’t really eliminate enemies on their own, they can incapacitate and pick them off for their allies to take care of. Tank: The defensive powerhouses of the game, with little capacity for damage, but with unparalleled survivability.

nuke 10 seconds after first light

However, with the proper know-how, Ninjas can go basically in any lane except bot. These properties make them ideal for the jungle as they can gank effectively any lane. Ninja: These Shikigami consist of characters with high mobility and explosive kits that can deal tons of burst damage.In this sense, it’s not unusual for a character in this category to waltz up to the enemy, spam a few auto attacks, and get several kills. Marksman: In contrast with Mages, Marksman Shikigami deal most of their damage with basic attacks, and thus are considered the “hard carries” of the game if fed and farmed.A fed or farmed Mage can spell doom for any team as their abilities can hit extremely hard, though they’re often left vulnerable after exhausting their kits. Mage: Simply put, these are the damage dealers that can nuke their targets with a few skills.

nuke 10 seconds after first light

However, though they’re not as tough as Tanks in terms of survivability, their offensive potential is much higher. These powerful Shikigami are usually the ones that initiate battles.

  • Samurai: Often offering a balanced kit that lets them deal acceptable damage, but also absorb lots of punishment, Samurai heroes are bruisers that thrive in the top lane.

  • Nuke 10 seconds after first light